Channel Islands Harbor
CIH Current COVID Guidelines: Link
Keys are located at the Peninsula Yacht Marina Office
Fleet Docks: E-Dock and F-Dock map,
Shoals: As of December 2017, there is minor shoaling in the harbor by the ATON’s at the north end of the entrance channel.
Bridges: The Capri 22’s and Catalina 22’s do not fit under any Channel Islands Harbor bridges. The Capri 14’s can be sailed under the big bridge into the back bay. The Capri 14’s do not fit under the Seabridge pedestrian bridge in the Seabridge Marina.
Port Hueneme Harbor: Do Not Enter! Port Hueneme, one mile east of CIH, is a Restricted Naval/Commercial port.
Lobster and Crab Traps: Fisherman put lobster and crab traps outside of CIH breakwater various times of year. They are only visible by their floats. The floats and lines can entangle prop and/or rudder
Oil Islands: There are four oil islands (platforms) locally off CIH and Ventura. Gina is three miles off CIH towards Anacapa Island. Gale is seven miles off CIH towards Santa Cruz Island. Give the oil islands a wide berth as there may be toxic gases. Do not anchor in the vicinity of the oil islands as there are oil pipe lines. See attached map.
Shipping Lanes: There are commercial shipping lanes in the Santa Barbara channel between the harbor and the Channel Islands. The north bound lane starts about one mile beyond the oil islands. The north and south bound lanes are about a mile wide with a mile buffer. Use extreme caution as the ships are traveling at ~24 kts and have limited ability to change course or stop. (New site migration task. Old PDF was broken. Webteam needs a new Chart PDF).
Ventura Harbor: When entering Ventura Harbor sail to the sea buoy and then sail a direct course into the harbor. There are shoals on the east side of the entrance so do not cut the corner when entering or departing. Do not sail between the detached breakwater and the west breakwater. Contact Harbormaster if you wish to dock for lunch.
Anacapa Island: Use caution around Anacapa Island as there are submerged rocks. Always consult a chart when sailing close to the island or anchoring for lunch. There are no safe anchorages for overnight stay at Anacapa.
Santa Cruz Island: Use caution around Santa Cruz Island as there are submerged rocks and wrecks. Always consult a chart when sailing close to the island or anchoring. Brian Fagan’s book “Cruising Guide to Central and Southern California” has detailed information about the island and anchorages.
SeaBee Rifle Range at Point Mugu: The Navy operates a firing range just west of Point Mugu. If sailing in the area monitor Channel 16 for announcements of live fire activity. There will also be a large red flag flying if the range is active.
Naval Live Fire Exercises: The Navy and Coast Guard hold periodic live fire exercises off shore. Most of these exercises are out beyond the Channel Islands and are announced on Channel 16. The Navy and Coast Guard provide Lat and Long coordinates and duration of activity.