Marina del Rey Harbor
The entrance to the marina is located between two jetties running seaward that sit inside of the detached breakwater with a lit American flag that runs parallel to the shore. The north and south ends of the breakwater and the ends of both jetties are marked with lights.
There is shoaling about 100 feet off the end of the north jetty and 300 feet off the south jetty. There is also shoaling the entire length of the north jetty on the inside of the channel. All shoals are marked with buoys. The entrance channel has traffic separation lanes that are marked by buoys “NO SAIL”. Vessels under power must keep these buoys to port when entering or leaving the marina.
The center lane is for vessels under sail only, both those coming and going. It helps if those going north use the north opening and those going south, use the south, although the south tends to shoal. The average depth in the harbor was last recorded at between 10 and 14 feet.