Fairwind Yacht Club Newsletters

Archive of Newsletters


Welcome to Fairwind Yacht Club ad placement system.

• Fairwind yacht club does not accept firearms advertising.
• The use of the word ‘massage’ may not appear in classified ads, ‘body work’, or ‘body therapy’ may be used.
• Boats for sale cannot include slip without permission of the dock master
• Live-aboard boat ads cannot be placed except by a dock master.

DISCLAIMER: Check your ad carefully when it initially appears. We cannot be responsible for errors or minor copy changes after the first week of publication. If you find an error, call our classified department immediately and your ad will be corrected. The newspaper assumes no financial responsibility for error or omission of copy. Classified advertising may paid by Visa, or MasterCard. Ads are charged at the time of the order. This charge is final.
NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN FOR CANCELLATION AFTER THE FIRST INSERTION. This newspaper reserves the right to reject, cancel, edit and determine proper classification of classified ads at any time. Purchase of a classified line ad is considered permission to include that ad on Fairwind’s Web site.

The ad size is limited to the size of a standard business card. The ad will run for 12 publications. The cost will be $240.00, payable in advance.

If you are interested in running an ad in our newsletter, please use the “contact us” form and start your conversation with the membership secretary of the harbor your ad more closely relates.

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